Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of the decade, decay continues!

It appears that we were just being confronted with the implications of the dawn of the new millennium and the impact of the Y2K problems and here we are staring down the fact that not only have we completed another year of the millennium but a decade in that.

Memory they say is short lived and therefore one tends to remember the events that are happening closer to the end of the year! The one that sticks to mind is the now famous “Ruchika Case”! Without going into the case, what is appalling is that it has taken the system 16 years to deliver the judgement. How on earth can a judicial system operate with these delays? Even worse, there has been the gross abuse of the system over the years. Should only the accused be charged with abetment to the crime or the entire criminal justice culpable of the same offence?

If the case was the only one wherein these types of delays have taken place then we could hope that it was an aberration. Unfortunately there appears to be many such cases. Untraced senior police official for 13 years, the convicted son of a senior police official who jumped bail and this list could evidently go on.

The other aspect is the crime registration to conviction ratio. The ratio would evidently be the poorest when it relates to politicians. One is invariable wondering as how this class can get away with such impunity. Either the case has not been investigated or a case has been registered without a prima facie justification. Either way it speaks poorly of the police mechanism.

Let us only hope that we see light at the end of the tunnel in the new decade of next millennium hopefully not that of an oncoming train!!

Best wishes for the season

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